Selling your t-shirts at events and conferences is a great opportunity to make your brand known and build important business relationships. However, if you are not prepared enough, you can miss out on all the benefits.

We want to help you follow your conference and event goals by selling as many T-shirts as possible, so follow Singleprint’s best selling practices.

Attend the “right” events

If you’re going to spend money showcasing your clothing line at an event, you should decide on the right events for your brand. Exhibition expenses, booth set-up, flights, transportation, hotel accommodation and food will hit the budget, so make sure the investment is worth the return. Even if these will be local exhibitions such as Don’t take fake, All your own, Gesheft Garage Sale and others.

If you’re just starting out selling your t-shirts, attending local events while your brand is gaining traction is the best place to start. Make sure you focus on your niche and key audience. For example, if you sell running t-shirts, attend local running events. Finding people who relate to your brand and t-shirts is key.

Know all the pitfalls

Along with the invitation to the event, you will also receive a large amount of information about the rules for selling your products at this event. Take the time to read everything. The instructions from the organizers will be your guide. There you will find information about setting up stands, conditions for providing space, electricity, Internet, prepayment, and more.

It would be worth contacting those who have already participated in the event in the past and ask about the nuances that they had. Any information will be useful to you. Singleprint and our clients have participated in exhibitions more than once, we are happy to share our experience.

Make sure your stand is interesting

Your stand is a selling point. When people visit your stand, what would you like them to remember? Stand branding includes: logo, color scheme and message. However, what memories will those who visit your stand have?

Even if your goal is to sell t-shirts, you can still create a memorable or interactive experience for your customers that will stay with them for a long time. A free tattoo, a haircut booth or decorations for unusual photos, all this will keep memories of your brand much longer than an information brochure. Be creative, get people interested!

Easy payment method and convenient location

Another important factor to discuss is the possible payment options for the purchased t-shirts. How do you count people? Is it a simple process? How do your t-shirt prices compare to your competitors?

Whenever you’re selling something to someone, remember that creating a sense of urgency will speed up sales. Think about announcements in the style of: “Limited collection for the conference” or “T-shirts available only at this event!”

The placement of your stand is another factor that can affect the course of business. If there is an opportunity to choose a place, let it be the most traveled area, or even near other attractive stands. Make sure you get noticed!

Take it with you

Ready to get the secret information we’ve built up over years of experience? Keep a list of things that will be needed at any event: a signboard, a rack, a price tag, a mannequin, a stand decoration according to the brand identity, a mirror, business cards, promotional materials about the brand, packaging, boxes to store the product and personal items (remember, that your booth is “open” and there is no separate compartment where you can hide things), wet wipes, a light snack and water (there are not always food courts, or time to leave the booth), trash bags, laptop, chargers, extension cord.

Don’t relax before, during and after

Before the event, write and study a short text (2-3 sentences) about “who we are” and “what we plan for the near future” (for example, a new collection, opening a store, etc…)

During the event, take notes about what customers say and what they buy

After the event, make a summary (about the product, who to call or send a letter/parcel). Take inventory. Communicate with other participants (learn about similar events, share experiences).